until the whole world hears

About King's Church

King’s Church is a lively international church, with people from over twenty different nations. We meet together on Sunday mornings, as well as in smaller Life Groups during the week. We’d love you to come along and visit us, to experience God’s love in contemporary worship and enjoy encouraging Bible teaching in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Where we are heading?

We are praying that God will continue to shape us into the kind of church He wants. We believe he wants us to be a large international family of worshippers that will help to transform the local area through the Good News of Jesus.

Imagine for a moment hundreds of people from all sorts of nationalities and backgrounds coming to King’s every week and worshiping Jesus, loving their local community and longing to plant other churches?

That's the next step we're aiming at ...
... an international church of at least 250 and then planting other churches ...

What kind of church do we want to be?

A Church Devoted to Christ Jesus

We want King’s Church to be a place of devotion to Jesus Christ, to celebrate what he has done in our lives.  Because of what Jesus has done for us we have a great story to tell. Harrow is a richly diverse Borough with over 250,000 people. Most of these people do not know Jesus and there is a great need for the truth of Jesus to be made known. Our mission is to communicate the message of Jesus as effectively as we can to as many people as possible.

An International Family

We believe that King’s Church should be a local church made up of people from many different nations and backgrounds who worship Jesus; a ‘house of prayer for many nations’. As a church we seek to develop a “family feel” with each member respected and valued irrespective of age, race, culture. We want the church to feel like home to its members and be part of a circle of friends no matter how large the church becomes. We are associated with the Newfrontiers family of churches, and part of the ‘New Ground’ group of churches led by David Holden. We have good relationships with other churches in the Harrow area and are members of the Evangelical Alliance.

A Compassionate Presence in the community

The church cannot shut itself away from the troubles of the world. We are not blind to the social needs in the communities around us. We want to make the love and grace of God known to those who are sick, oppressed and poor. We seek to serve the borough of Harrow by providing care and support for the homeless (in partnership with other local churches), teaching English language classes free of charge to those we can, and be a church which is a compassionate community praying for and caring for the sick, and sharing the good news of God’s goodness and grace in other practical ways.

Where possible, we like to keep church simple. We don’t see church as an organisation made up of lots of busy people running lots of busy programmes. Instead we aim to encourage real relationships between people and with Jesus. Our main focus, in terms of meeting together, is Sunday mornings and our Life Groups (groups of between 8-15 people who meet during the week as friends).


King's Sunday Meeting

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King's Sunday Meeting

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King's English Class

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