until the whole world hears

Serving the Community


FirmFoundation is a registered charity which helps relieve the immediate suffering of the homeless, while working with them to find a practical and sustainable solution to their needs. FirmFoundation came into being after a number of churches, including King’s Church, worked together to initially see the provision of a three month winter night shelter from January to the end of March in Harrow each year. Now, as an established independent charity, it looks to provide ongoing care and provision for the poor and homeless throughout the year. Visit the FirmFoundation website.

English Classes

King’s has offered free English language classes in Harrow in different venues on a weekly basis, during term time, since 2003.  Trained and skilled volunteer teachers and helpers have taught these classes. The King’s English classes have allowed us to serve and help many different members of the community from a wide variety of nations.  Currently we offer a class on Monday afternoons, 1-3pm (during term time) in South Harrow.

Tots at King's Church

During term time we offer a weekly Wednesday afternoon session for mum’s and tots from 1.15pm to 2.45pm at Brigade House, Brigade Close, South Harrow. If interested please email: tots@kingsharrow.org.

Cariad Baby Bank Harrow

The Cariad Baby Bank supports families in need in Harrow and surrounding areas with baby essentials, toiletries and pre-loved items for children aged 0-5 years. The Cariad Baby Bank is working in partnership with King's Church Harrow and based at the Brigade House building in South Harrow. Cariad can be contacted on cariadbabybank@gmail.com or visit their website: cariadbabybank.org.


King's Sunday Meeting

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King's Sunday Meeting

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King's English Class

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