We gather each Sunday morning to celebrate what God has done for us in Jesus Christ, and honour Him with the praise He deserves. We love to express worship to God when we are together at King’s, we are grateful for musicians and worship leaders that God has given us to help us as a church when we come to worship on Sunday mornings and at our monthly Encounter Evenings. C. S. Lewis wrote: ‘It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men.’ and because we prize God’s presence among us want to be a worshipping people, not just on Sundays but in the way we live throughout the week, and by taking time in our mid-week Life Groups to thank and praise him.
Jesus was a great storyteller and teacher. He spent a great deal of his time teaching the crowds and instructing his disciples. He also commissioned his disciples to teach to others what he had taught them. (Matthew 28:19-20). At King’s this means during our Sunday meetings that teaching the Bible is at the heart of what we do. At our Sunday meetings in Harrow and Kingsbury Venues after the time of worship the children go to their activities and one of our leaders speaks from the Bible. Our talks are available on the Media section of this website, and recent series have included ‘Revealed’, a series from John 14 on the Father, Son and Spirit, a’A Time to Build’ from the book of Nehemiah, ‘Fire From Heaven’ on the life of Elijah.
Prayer is about getting to know God, and is the way through which we connect and experience God. ‘Prayer is meant to be the conversation where your life and your God meet’, writes David Powlinson, and we believe pray is about bringing real troubles and real need to a God who really listens. At King’s we teach on and encourage prayer because as individuals and church family we want to learn to live praying lives. We pray personally and in our groups. Once a month our Life Groups join together for Prayer, and we also have other more focused times during the year where the church calls on God together for specific breakthroughs.
On Sundays the children stay in from the beginning of the service at 10:30am until about 11:05am and then go out for their own activities. We have Crèche (ages 0-4), Shinning Lights (5-11 years). For family services at Christmas, Easter, Mother’s & Father’s Day the children usually stay in and play an important part in those celebrations.
We offer monthly socials on Friday evenings, and every other week on Sunday mornings the youth go out after the worship time for a teaching and discussion session. These times are for fun, friendship and discipleship.
We offer regular evenings on for our twenties/thirties to gather for friendship and discipleship. These include times for praise and worship, to explore and discuss God’s word together, and for meals and other socials.