4th January 2025
Hi everyone at King's Church. At the beginning of a new year people often reflect and consider new resolutions they wish to pursue: to lose weight, get fit, save money, enjoy life!. But when we turn our attention to the Bible we see the apostle Paul's priority aim for his life: ' … I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord [and of growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him—a joy unequaled] (Philippians 3:8 Amplified).
As we step into new year 2025 we want to imitate Paul's ambition, and to help us fix our gaze on Jesus we will be focusing on Paul's letter to the Colossians. Paul’s letter to the Colossians was written during one of the apostle’s many imprisonments for preaching Jesus as Son of God, Saviour and Risen Lord. The letter is addressed to a group of people he had never met that made up a church community that he didn’t start. The church in Colossae was started by a co-worker of Paul’s called Epaphras who was from that city. Epaphras had recently visited Paul in prison and shared news of how well they were doing but also mentioned some of the cultural pressures tempting them to turn away from Jesus, so Paul wrote this letter to address these issues and encourage them to a greater devotion to Jesus. Paul's aim is to see them grow and mature in Christ.
Theologian and scholar Tom (N.T.) Wright says: ‘What they [the Colossians] need to know above all, if they are to grow as Christians, increasing in wisdom, power, patience and thanksgiving, is the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ. The more they get to know, and know about, Jesus Christ, the more they will understand who the true God is and what he’s done; who they are as a result; and what it means to live in and for him.’ So you are welcome to join us on this journey as we pursue, not a just a new year's aim but a lifetime ambition of 'knowing Christ Jesus' our Lord and Saviour.
Posted by Cliff Nelson