You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings. Our meeting starts at 10.30am and ends around 12 noon. We begin with a time of singing and thanksgiving to God, led by a praise team. Each week someone will teach from the Bible. People may wish to contribute by sharing a story of God’s goodness or read an encouraging Scripture. On the first Sunday of each month we take a voluntary offering. We also regularly take communion together.
Children stay in for the first part of the meeting. After the praise and worship time there will be a notice for children to go to their activities, we offer Sunday sessions for children age 4-11. There is also a self-service creche.
Our King’s Church Office is Brigade House, Brigade Close, South Harrow. This is our administrative base, and we host various mid-week activities here including: Prayer & Praise meetings; mid-week evening courses; and other church events. During term time we offer English classes for the community (Monday pm); Tot’s at Kings (Wednesday pm) and the Cariad Baby Bank.